1996 Boston Marathon

Freddie's 1996 Boston Marathon Page

"The 100th Running of the Boston Marathon"

AMAZIN Fred did it again!
On April 15, 1996, Mr. Fred crossed the the finish line in 6 hours:45 minutes:45 seconds. This was his fourth Marathon completion in five attempts with his second fastest time (AMAZIN!!!).

The Boston Marathon claimed its first fatality since 1973 when a runner, Humphrey Siesage, 61, from Sweden collapsed after suffering a heart attack just as he crossed the finish line. He was in full cardiac arrest as he crossed the finish line. He was defibrillated, intubated and taken to hospital but he did cross the finish line and that's what its all about i.e. crossing the finishing line!!

There have not been one hundred World Series, Super Bowls, World Cups, or Modern Olympics but SMOKIN Fred, as a lottery participant, was part of the 100th running of the Boston Marathon, the world’s oldest and famous road race.
  • It is a race that is respected, yet feared, and champions and did-not-finishers alike have tales to tell regarding the course’s punishing features.

  • It is a race that has crowned its winners in glory and laurel, yet dashed the hopes of thousands of would-be conquerors through its significant up(hill)s and down(hill)s.

To "toe" the line in at the start in Hopkinton, and to hours later cross the finish in Boston, is to mark an achievement that will stay in the heart of every Boston participant.

Freddie's Official Results:

Finish Time: 7:12:30
Net Finish Time: 6:45:45
Net Half Marathon Time: 3:03:12
Overall Place: 35,737 (oi!)
Place Within Gender: 27,287
Place Within Division: 4,765

Boston Marathon tidbits:

(Source: 100th Run - Special Commemorative Issue)

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